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Memorials in Hamburg are open again

Exhibition on display: Survived! And now?

As of Tuesday, 18 May 2021, the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial can once again be visited – under special precautions to comply with contact restrictions – within the usual opening hours.

The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is open for visitors again from 18 May 2021. The Bullenhuser Damm, Fuhlsbüttel and Poppenbüttel memorial sites as well as the info pavilion denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof will reopen from 6 June 2021 within the usual opening hours.

During your visit:

  • Please keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m – members of joint households are excluded.
  • Please wear a medical mouth-nose protection or FFP-2 mask.
  • We are required to collect your contact information and provide it to the appropriate (health) authority upon request. Your data will be deleted after the mandatory data retention period of 4 weeks. You can register when you visit the memorial via Luca App. At all memorial sites there is also the possibility of analogue contact data collection on site.

Please check our calendar of events for the latest information on our events. Some events will be take place digitally. Please note that for indoor events, admission can only be granted if proof of a coronavirus vaccination, proof of recovery or proof of a negative coronavirus test is presented. Please have also a look at our digital offers.

The requirements to minimize contact in accordance with the Regulations of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to contain the spread of COVID-19 from June 30, 2020 as well as the Regulation to change Hamburg’s SARS-CoV-2 containment policy from August, 20, 2021 apply. (See )

Please stay informed about the latest rules to contain the spread of the Coronavirus by visiting the City of Hamburg website:

Photo: SHGL, 2021
Visitor in the main exhibition of Neuengamme concentration camp memorial