[Translate to English:] Eine Spendenbox aus Plastik, darin Geldscheine. Aufkleber "Danke für Ihre Spende". Im Hintergrund ein Fenster mit Regentropfen.
A donation box at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial.

Your donations support our work!


We appreciate your donations that support our outreach work, research and documentation, as well as work with survivors and their family members.

Vierländer Volksbank
IBAN: DE92 2019 0109 0061 0287 51

Please write “Donation“under intended use.

Donating through PayPal is also possible.

The foundation and its memorials are recognized as non-profits, meaning your donation is tax-deductible. Up to an amount of € 300, the tax office will recognize this by presenting your bank statement. For donations larger than this amount, we will happily give a donation receipt upon request via e-mail with your contact information (Full name and address, as well as date and amount donated) to: paypal@gedenkstaetten.hamburg.de. You can also select this email as a recipient in PayPal and donate this way.

Thank you very much for your donations!