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We mourn the death of Nachum Rotenberg

Nachum Rotenberg at Neuengamme concentration camp memorial, 2018

"I have the pictures in front of my eyes every night" - this was said by Nachum Rotenberg, who survived the Auschwitz and Neuengamme concentration camps, and this is also the title of his memoirs, published in the series of publications of the Ahlem Memorial.

Nachum Rotenberg was born in 1928 to a Jewish baker's family in Łódź, Poland. He experienced anti-Semitism at an early age and grew up under harsh conditions in the Litzmannstadt ghetto after the German occupation of Poland. In 1944, the family was then deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Nachum and his six-year older brother Schmulik were separated from their parents. In Auschwitz Nachum had to work in the bakery. Still in the winter of 1944, the brothers were sent to Hanover-Ahlem, a subcamp of the Neuengamme concentration camp, where Nachum´s brother died shortly after arriving. Nachum Rotenberg himself had to work in the laundry and survived - as the only member of his family. 

After liberation, he emigrated to Palestine in 1946 and then started a family in Israel. In 1975, Nachum Rotenberg travelled to Germany again for the first time to testify at a trial. After that, he travelled several times to tell young people about his experiences, also at the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial.

On 7 February 2023, Nachum Rotenberg died in Israel. Our thoughts are with his two children, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Video greeting from Rotenberg for the commemoration of the liberation in 2020. To the full website: Nachum Rotenberg's story is also told in the online story "Objects Carry Memories"

Nachum Rotenberg during the commemoration of the liberation at the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial, 2019
Nachum Rotenberg ID photo 1946