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Invitation: New posters for A Space to Remember

Presentation of the posters designed for the "Space to Remember" by relatives, 2 May 2024

On the 4th of May, 2025, the anniversary of Neuengamme’s liberation, new posters will be presented at the "Space to Remember" at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial. Are you interested in creating a remembrance poster for your relative?

A Poster at A Space to Remember, Connect and Support

ASpace to Remember is an active, growing memorial by and for the relatives of former prisoners of the Neuengamme concentration camp. Family members from all across the world create, press, and present posters in remembrance of their persecuted family members.

150 relatives have already contributed posters to the memorial since its beginning. Printing plates are made, stored outside the monument, and prepared for printing.

This year’s meeting takes place on the day after the memorial service for the 80th anniversary of the concentration camp’s liberation and the end of the war. Once again, we will print together, socialize, hang up posters, and present some posters to the public.

Relatives that would like to make their own poster are welcome to join us. You can find more information here:

How do I design a poster motif?

The group “A Space to Remember” is happy to assist with your design. Simply register by emailing


In order to have press plates presented on May 4th, we ask that your poster motif be ready by March 2nd, 2025 at the latest.


The production of each individual press plates costs €120. Relatives of former prisoners may choose whether or not they wish to take on the costs themselves or if these costs should be covered by donations.

The group A Space to Remember is funded by family members of former family members and their supporters, and happily accepts further donations with the donation account below.


These are the dates for Space to Remember during the 80th anniversary of liberation.

Sunday, 4th of May, 2025, 10:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

Open Pressing Workshop at A Space to Remember

During this time, all relatives who have prepared a poster of their persecuted family member may visit the pressing workshop to print their poster without an appointment. They will receive an introduction in pressing technique and have the opportunity to meet other relatives of victims of persecution.

Sunday, 4th of May, 2025, 10:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

Open Poster Presenting at A Space to Remember

Relatives freely share their family histories and remember together during the poster presentation. The following will speak: Jean Mathia, grand-nephew of an Alsatian concentration camp prisoner (poster for Emile Matter and 42 Alsatian officers), Michael Raveh, son of a German-Jewish concentration camp prisoner (poster for Karla Raveh). Musical accompaniment: Gospel choir Medical Voices. Afterwards, we will hang up posters together.

Donation Account

Freundeskreis KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme e.V.
Hamburger Volksbank eG
IBAN: DE82 2019 0003 0014 4554 04
Purpose: Spende Ort der Verbundenheit 

Upon request, we will gladly provide a donation receipt.

Joint billposting at the Space to Remember