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  • Montag, 5. Mai 2025
  • 10:00–12:00
  • Zeitzeugengespräch

KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, Studienzentrum

Öffentliche Gespräche für Schulklassen mit einer Überlebenden sowie drei Angehörigen ehemals Verfolgter

Alle Gespräche außer das mit Michael Raveh finden auf Englisch ohne Übersetzung statt.

Helga Melmed (Venice, Florida) was deported from Berlin to the Litzmannstadt/Lodz ghetto with her Jewish family at the age of 13. Her parents died there of hunger and disease. Helga Melmed survived the Auschwitz concentration camp, several satellite camps of the Neuengamme concentration camp and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. After the war she emigrated to the United States. 

Aleksander Bančić (Pula, Kroatien) talks about his grandfather, the Croatian resistance fighter Josip Bančić from Istria, who died in the Neuengamme concentration camp. He talks about his research on his grandfather, the silence about his grandfather’s fate in his family of origin and the impact of his research and findings on his own life to this day.

Michael Raveh (Kirjat Tiw’on, Israel) setzt die Erinnerungsarbeit seiner Mutter Karla Raveh (1927–2017) fort. Karla Raveh war die einzige Überlebende ihrer jüdischen Familie. Sie wurde aus Lemgo in das Getto Theresienstadt und später in die KZ Auschwitz und Bergen-Belsen deportiert. Im Außenlager Salzwedel des KZ Neuengamme wurde sie schließlich befreit.

Victoria Toth (Budapest) is the granddaughter of the Hungarian Jew Gyula Fürst, who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp and subcamps of the Neuengamme concentration camp and was liberated in Bergen-Belsen. She talks about the anti-Semitic persecution of her family of origin by the National Socialists, the murder of family members in Auschwitz, the survival and life of her grandfather after the liberation and the effects of his persecution on the family to this day.

For information and registration (required!) please contact Ulrike Jensen (e-mail: ulrike.jensen@gedenkstaetten.hamburg.de, phone: +49 (0)40 428 131 519).

Informationen und Anmeldung (erforderlich!) bei Ulrike Jensen (E-Mail: ulrike.jensen@gedenkstaetten.hamburg.de, Tel.: +49 (0)40 428 131 519).